- Song Lines - Monday, January 31, 2005

I always thought it was really stupid reading the song lyrics that people misunderstood, for something incredibly off the wall. Seriously, these people claim to have thought that "living in a material world" actually sounded like "living in Mars' moon's world"! Can it really happen that people are so "lyrically challenged"? Well, maybe. It sorda happened to me while we were in Michigan. I was listening to a country music station and a song came on that I totally misunderstood, and no--for those who may later ask--it wasn't on New Years Eve that I heard it. The song goes something like this: "Trying find the perfect man is like trying to find Atlantis". BLONDE ROOT ALERT! I thought she was saying trying to find the perfect man is like trying to find the lettuce! But--it gets worse. While listening to the radio Friday at work, I heard that same song--and although I knew the words this time, I could have sworn I heard her say "Trying to find the perfect mayonaise is like trying to find the lettuce"! So, I guess I fall into that lyrically challenged catergory. Now I know how people can discongobulate (sp?) the words so bad. Because they're bored at work--and it's lunchtime.

Bye for now.

- Adoption - Tuesday, January 25, 2005

I came across a weird issue the other day. As I was getting ready to pick up the boys from after school care an employee pulled me aside to talk to me. She first asked me if Tyler and Austin were adopted, which I of course, replied "yes". She then went on to tell me about a conversation a former employee, who was recently fired, had with Tyler.

Apparently, this former employee felt it was her duty to explain to Tyler that he was adopted! I don't know exactly what was said to him, other than she tried to explain what adoption is and details of relevancy. Another employee approached her on this and asked why she felt the need to explain to someone else's child that he was adopted. The former employee said that it is his right to know and if the parents haven't told him yet then he needs to find out somehow, so she had to tell him. The other employee told her it wasn't her place, where the conversation ended.

Now, since then, Tyler hasn't mentioned one thing about it. Even after hearing something on a TV show about adoption, I figured it would spark his memory of his conversation with the daycare worker, but it didn't. Tyler is pretty blunt, so I think if it was something that was bothering him, or something he didn't understand he would definitely ask me about it, and like I said, he hasn't brought it up...so I am assuming it was just too much for his mind to process and he blew her off (like he does me every time I ask him to pick up his toys!!!).

I approached the owner of the daycare and explained my issue to her. She apologized several times and promised me it would not be discussed between the employees or anyone else around the children. She then proceeded to tell me that was not the reason she was fired, but it would have been a huge contributing factor had she known what had happened. She then gave me the name of the former employee and I went from there. (Jr. Detective)

I have done my own research on this girl, who has 2 prior drug arrests. One for marijuana posession and one for paraphernelia. As far as any other incidents go, she is clear...but does in fact have a suspended drivers license.

I asked the daycare owner what criteria they use in selecting their employees, which she told me and I was happy with. But she did say they don't do a complete background check usually until about 30 days of employment, when they think the employee might work out. Instead, they just do a "local" check, which would check the local abuse registry, sex offender check and warrants check. After 30 days they do a detailed criminal history. This girl had only been employed for 2 weeks.

So, in closing, Chris and I both agree that now is not the time for Tyler to be told he was adopted. He is only 5 years old and barely knows his own environment. Last thing we want to do is tell him the 2 people he knows he hasn't been with forever (although, doesn't know why, how or any details--he has this idea that he came from mommy's belly--but when he asks I tell him he did in my dreams.) but has grown to love, accept and trust, are not his birth mommy and daddy. He will know, and at the right time we will tell him...but it is definitely not the daycare employees responsibility---and if I hear of such thing again I will probably go into cardiac arrest!

PS. She better watch where she's driving----she IS driving on a suspended DL and there are cops in this town who know what she looks like! ;-)

- The Ticket Gods Shined - Monday, January 24, 2005

Saturday was a good day. I got to Ticketmaster in our mall at 9:30, there was one couple ahead of me. With that in mind, I knew I would get tickets and at this point, being the time/date/location of the show I didn't care where they were, I just wanted to get in! 3 more people showed up behind me, but it was all good.

At 9:59, with the second countdown on, he started typing in our ticket #'s. At 10:00 he said uh-oh. NEVER, EVER, say UH-OH, with a feeding frenzy of Parrotheads standing in front of you lined up single filed with looks of anxiety! It took our TM agent a GOOD 20 seconds to get the people in front of us tickets, and they were 1st in line! They got section 304. We got section 305, and so on. This show was selling out fast! At the end, I got back in line and got 6 more tickets for the lawn. (We had a total of 12 people committed to going, but we wanted 2 extra just in case!). Done.

Now, just for reference. Our PH friends across the country all got tickets. We got rid of all of ours then had to ask Amy from PA for some of her 8 extras. We now have a total of about 30 people attending this show, our "group" alone. I'm so excited. The Ticketmaster Gods shined upon us!

- Fallen Hero - Thursday, January 20, 2005

Sadly, I have bad news, especially for the Public Safety community. Firefighter Scott Thornton from Summit Township, in Jackson, died this morning while fighting a fire. I don't have any other details at this point, but will update as soon as I do.

Sometimes we forget about our 'local' heros, the ones who go running in when everyone else is running out. We often take for granted that when you dial 911 they respond within minutes, and leave, no questions asked. Unfortunately, he didn't get to leave this one. Please keep his family in your prayers, as well as the fire community, as they've lost a true hero; one who took the ultimate sacrafice.

Summit veteran of 19 years dies after being trapped in house fire
Thursday, January 20, 2005
By Bradley FloryStaff Writer

A Summit Township firefighter was killed this morning fighting a house fire at Brown's Lake.
Fire Capt. Scott Thornton was trapped in the burning building at least 30 minutes as a "mayday" call went out and his colleagues searched for him.
He was located in a second-story bedroom built above a garage, and was carried by fellow firefighters down a ladder to a waiting stretcher.

Thornton, a 19-year veteran firefighter, was pronounced dead at Foote Hospital, Undersheriff Tony Philipps said.

Three other firefighters were treated for injuries not thought to be serious, said Brian Thurston, assistant chief of the Jackson Fire Department, which assisted at the fire scene.
The fire was reported shortly after 7 a.m. at 824 Brown's Lake Road, the home of Phil and Pat Willis. Pat Willis had left the house to exercise. Phil Willis got out safely.

The cause and origin of the fire were not clear this morning, but the brick house was destroyed.
Firefighters still were working to knock down the flames after 9 a.m. Aid was summoned from the Spring Arbor and Liberty township fire departments, as well as the city of Jackson.
Thornton joined the Summit Township Fire Department in 1986 and was promoted to captain in 1997. He was in charge of departmental training and represented the third generation of his family to work as a firefighter.

The last Jackson-area firefighter to die in the line of duty was Norman E. Creger, 47, more than two decades ago.

On Aug. 28, 1982, Jackson firefighters were battling a blaze at the former Jury-Rowe building, 200 S. Mechanic St., when the 17-year veteran died of massive chest trauma after becoming trapped underneath fallen debris.

- It's already Mid-January!!!!??? - Tuesday, January 18, 2005

This month has gone by fast. I hope the rest of the year isn't going to be like this...that just means I'll be another year closer to 30 (but Holly will still be older than me! ;-) )

Another non-productive day. I paid my traffic ticket, finally, from my accident. Now I have until April to complete my online driving school. I'm not exactly sure how one is going to learn to drive any better than they did before on the internet...but whatever.

This weekend was fun, but a little chilly. Gram came up to watch Tyler 'try' to play soccer Saturday. I can't even blame it on the cold, he's just really not that into it. He played against Preston & Gavin's team. They won, 4-3. Maybe he'll do better in T-ball. I'm not going to hold out all summer though if he's not interested. Our summers are way to busy for another 'soccer' season.

Later Saturday night I watched the Tsunami Aid Benefit on TV. It was very sad, watching all of the orphaned kids. I also know who not to see in concert after seeing some of the bands and musicicians play! Although, Elton John was fantastic, as usual. Jimmy must have been a no-show. Ha Ha. I also got to talk to Holly at 10:43pm. It was kinda funny, I was half asleep and barely remember the call.

Chris worked on a motorcycle special operation over the weekend, actually it goes until June, so the boys and I went to Melissa and Rob's on Sunday to play with Robby. We had a lot of fun, too! We ate, I drank 2 Parrot Bay and Pineapple's and got myself fatter than what I already am. I guess it was like a free day, since I didn't watch my eating or work out all weekend. Later we watched Desperate Housewives and had to fill Chris and Rob in on all of the details. Actually, Chris is pretty up on it, Rob isn't. Rob probably won't be either! It was pretty funny when Edie dumped Mrs. Huber's ashes on Susan though....!!!

Monday Chris and I went shopping for organization supplies and paint for the boys' room. We found a smokey blue color--I can't remember what it's called exactly, but it's a nice country blue color. It looks great. We also bought a ceiling fan to go in our dining room to match our tropics type theme. It's been too cold to do the block work. Chris only had 3 people volunteer to help with it, so he figured he'd save the hard work for when it's a little warmer!!! hee hee.

Doctor said if I want to loose weight I need to cut down to a 1500 calorie diet. Nuff said.

I'm going to re-start my diet tomorrow, and hope to lose a pound a week.

- Weight Loss - Friday, January 14, 2005

I never really make new year's resolutions. They're kinda pointless. Why not just set a goal and stick to it, instead of making it in January? Well...against my better wishes, I vowed to get in shape for 2005. I started my journey on January 4th, working out at our Sheriff's Office gym, mainly just doing cardio and crunches. I've gone every day, with the exception of last Sunday. I've upped my cardio to 25 minutes on the treadmill, 4x12 crunches, lunges and flutter kicks. The problem I'm encountering, other than being a little stiff, is I'm not seeing any improvement. I know it's just approaching 2 weeks, but shouldn't I have lost at least a couple of pounds since then? I'm also cutting out white carbs, other than 1% milk and whole grain cereal. I eat fruit, veggies, lean meats and best of all--I can't tell you the last time I've "snacked". But I don't crave it either. I'm going to keep up this workout thing, because if anything, maybe it's making me healthier. I'll also try to update on my progress, but if I see no results, I'm going to go on a Twinkie binge!

- Oh, The Stress! - Tuesday, January 11, 2005

I found out this morning that Buffett tickets go onsale Saturday January 22nd. Can you believe it, I'm already stressing about this! I mean, how ridiculous! I deal with 900% more stress than this every day, but for some reason I'm letting this stress me out. I think there are only 2 people who read this that can relate, and you know who you are.

It's like this. There are 3 Florida shows. 1 in Jacksonville, 1 in Ft. Lauderdale and 1 in Tampa. There's also a show in South Carolina and possibly one somewhere else on the Atlantic Coast, but I can't remember where, nor is it important. Ft. Lauderdale isn't any big deal. He always plays at that venue so that's not my concern. It's Jacksonville and Tampa. Why, you ask? (Well, probalby not, but let me tell you anyway!!!) This is the first time I can remember, ever, JB playing in Jacksonville. That's where my Parrothead Club is, so finding tickets there shouldn't be too hard. The only problem is that it's on a Monday-which pretty much means we're out. Now, for the real issue; The Tampa show. First, it's at an outdoor venue this year, which means less seats, but more people will want to see him. What better way to see JB than outside, in a beach community? Second, and more importantly, the show's on a Saturday! Woo-hoo, right? Right---except everyone else on the west coast of Florida is thinking the exact thing I'm thinking. Now, for the kicker. Every show that I mentioned before has tickets going on sale on January 22nd. That means there are 5 shows going onsale the same day. EEEK! That is a TM disaster! But--I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it will work out just as it did before Thanksgiving, with Melissa standing in line and me behind the computer. Stay tuned.

- Another Busy Weekend - Monday, January 10, 2005

Ok, so we're still not completely unpacked. But I'm not really sure what the rush is since it's been close to 80 every day since we've returned--we really don't need those winter clothes! I've started working out, which has been pretty hard but I'm making myself do it. (Well, with the motivational help from Kelly, Jody and Melissa.) Actually, I did really well Saturday without the motivation.

We had Tyler's soccer game, but I had to be there an hour early since Leanne and I were working the concession stand together. That was actually pretty fun! I ate my multi-grain Cheerios that morning, stopped by Super Wal-Mart for a snack for the team, got myself an apple and headed on in. By 8:30 they were grilling the jumbo hot dogs and hamburgers for concessions and YUMMMMM, they smelled soo good...but I resisted temptation and drank my water and ate my apple instead. We were done with the concession stand at 9:00 and went to watch our kids play. (Leanne's daughter and Tyler are on the same team.) The team did ok. Tyler did really well in the beginning, even scored a goal, but kinda went downhill after that. I think he gets bored playing. I hope he likes T-Ball better, since we signed up for that after the soccer game. I signed up to volunteer for a couple of different groups within the T-ball league, which is ok, I don't mind helping out. We then had to rush home to get packed for our Orlando weekend--which was completely last minute. You see, Chris was going to run in a half marathon, but after our hurricane damage then with our trip to Michigan approaching, he didn't really have a lot of time to train. So, Novy decided he would take his spot. Well, when they went to pick up the marathon registration packet you had to have ID. John obviously didn't have Chris' ID, so we had to go to Orlando. It turned out fine, we stayed at the usual timeshare/family resort we stay at all the time. They have 2 adult pools, a kid/teen pool area with waterslide, tiki bar, music, golf, playground, etc...so we had a lot of fun. Once we got all settled in Chris hung out with the boys while I went to the fitness center to work out. I'm glad I did, it didn't take too long and I got it out of the way. Later we went to dinner for seafood then came back to the hotel to hang out. That worked out good, because we always stay in the suites--wait...they're all suites, anyway they're 1 bedroom with a seperate TV area for the kids, so they could watch what they wanted to and we did the same. Anyway, Sunday morning we had to leave by 12:30 so we could make it to Gavin's birthday party on time, so we hung out around the pool then took off. We ended up stopping at Bennigan's for lunch and it took forever! The waitress we had was in training, which wasn't a big deal, except she spilled a whole tray full of drinks (at least 8) on one of the tables in her section, so it caused a slight delay. Then we had to deal with normal Orlando traffic on the way home, so of course we didn't get to the party until 3. Preston and Gavin were both sick, so I don't think they noticed but I still felt bad. We were supposed to originally hang out with Samantha & Jason after the party for wings but since we had so much stuff to do at home and the kids were sick we decided it would be best if we didn't. We got home, got unpacked and watched Extreme Home Makeover and Desperate Housewives then wen't to bed. Actually, Chris didn't stay awake for all of DH because he had to be in school in Tampa this morning.

Oh, another day another day.

- Conversation with my Grandma Sibley... - Thursday, January 06, 2005

I will probably be the only one who thinks this is funny...

Me: Hi grandma, it's Kelly!
Grandma: Hi honey, how are you?
Me: Great. I'm working right now. How about you?
Grandma: Oh, I'm not doing so well.
Me: Oh no. Why not?
Grandma: Oh, it's Arthur. He won't leave me alone!
Me: (Wonder who the heck she's talking about and if she's really losing her mind) Uh-oh, that's not good! Who's Arthur?
Grandma: You know, Arthritis.
Me: Laughing--oh ok!
Grandma: I'd like to take him out to Duck Lake and drown him. He and Al.
Me: Hmm, who's Al?
Grandma: You know, Alzheimers.

It's nice to have friends when you live in a care home.

- A Salty Piece of Land - Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Chris got me the latest novel by Jimmy Buffett (sad that I have to explain that part) for Christmas. I'm currently on chapter 16 and I sorda feel like this book (occassionally) is taking over my mind! For example, I was listening to Kenny Chesney today on the radio and instantly I thought of the main character, Tully Mars. Almost like it was someone that I personally know on the radio, after reading! Tully is from Wyoming but has made his way to the tropics by way of a little love and luck; A self proclaimed Cowboy. Well, after reading about his ventures, I see Kenny Chesney as being this character. But, earlier I was talking with a friend who owns a JB related website (www.jimmydreamz.com) and found that he too appears to be just like this Tully guy. What is going on? Now, in the beginning of the book there's a disclaimer releasing him of liabilty if this seems to portray anyone in particular's life, as that was not the intention, nor the meaning. But...I find it very interesting, and although the book jumps around a lot, I think because I have a semi-clear picture of who and what this Tully guys is, it keeps me interested. Stay tuned.

- Saying goodbye sucks! - Tuesday, January 04, 2005

It really does! It seems that it has never really been as hard to say goodbye when we leave from Michigan (or when people leave us) as it was this time. As you saw in some brief, summed up posts, we had a very good week. We have even considered moving back. **SHOCK**! Chris and I love seeing our family and friends, but then we look around. It's a frozen tundra. Nothing looks healty up there, everything's frozen. There area dead deer laying all over the sides of the roads, it's cold, dreary, wet and slippery. But for some reason, there is something that has attracted us more than ever before. Is it becauase we have children together that are missing out on seeing the sisters they adore (and Shawn too!)? Not really sure---but it's like this ultra strong magnetic force that draws us back. If I was still in dispatch and Chris was just a road deputy I think we would do it in a second. We could make a pretty good chunk of change off our house, sell everything and move. That easy. But it's not that easy. We have pretty decent jobs, with outstanding benefits. (Beyond union benefits). I mean seriously, how many agencies up north give you a patrol car to take home and drive as you need. Better yet, how many agencies up there would give a civillian victim advocate a brand new 05 Ford Focus to drive around, as they wish--let alone pick out the colors and options!? It's just little perks like that that hold us back.

On Sunday after family pictures everyone went back to Chris' mom and dad's house for dinner and a send off. It was sad, Tony and Yolanda said goodbye and I knew it tore Chris up having to say goodbye to his brother for 6 months, as he's trying to plan his wedding. This was also the first time we were able to really sit down and talk with Mandy's long time boyfriend Shawn. What a great kid! It's hard to impress Chris, especially when it's his oldest daughter we're talking about! Chris really likes him. Shawn seems to be a genuine, all around good college kid. He's currently a sophomore at Ferris State University. We said goodbye to them. Even Tyler and Austin were a little bummed because they had so much fun with him on the four wheeler and just playing with him! Monday came around we met Mandy for lunch, because we weren't going to see her before we fly out. She has grown up to be such a mature young adult. It's amazing she's the same girl I met 8 years ago. The skinny 9 year old with long legs and pre-braces! That was sad saying goodbye, knowing that the next time I see her won't be until after she graduates high school at her open house. It was a pin-drop easier for Chris, at least he'll be at her graduation. We sat around Chris' mom and dad's house, played cards and just basically hung out until Melissa, Alyssa and Teresa got there to say goodbye. (Makes my eyes tear up just thinking about it). We loaded our 11 bags into the truck and said our goodbyes. I was ok, for the most part, going through the pictures we were going to take with us and saying goodbye to Teresa. Chris' mom came up and gave me a hug and told me how much they enjoyed having us stay there (even after Tyler and Austin rampaged their house and drove grandpa up the wall) and I lost it. I couldn't even tell her thank you for letting us stay, cooking for us, watching Tyler and Austin, etc... Then Melissa came up and gave me a hug. I don't think either one of us could see each other through tears. She told me she wished we could stay, I told her I wished we could too--but since we can't she has to be good and promise to be nice to her mom and sister! She laughed. I had to leave then, I couldn't stand there while Chris said goodbye to his mom and Melissa. I took Tyler and Austin to the truck to get them buckled in and Tyler asked me why I was crying. I told him it was because saying goodbye is sad. He said, "Mommy, it'll be ok". Wow. Nothing like having a 5 year old tell you it'll be ok. Sometimes I wonder what his world is like! We made our way to the airport and Tyler got a little emotional, saying he missed his sisters and Shawn already.

About this goodbye thing. I feel pretty bad that it has to be this way. I see my family pretty much as often as I want, except for my dad and stepmom and their side of the family. Plus, their much younger than Chris' parents. I kinda feel like because it was my idea to move, Chris just went a long with it, and because of it he's missing out on a lot of life. Actually, there is this huge guilt feeling. I don't think he feels that way, and I'm pretty sure if he did he would tell me. We're best friends, we tell each other everything. Right? Hmm, not really sure. So, in the meantime, I'm going to continue to feel guilt and look for a position that would be highly comparible to mine up north. But...until then, like the JB/MM song says, "I’m just hangin’ on while this old world keeps spinning; And it’s good to know it’s out of my control. If there’s one thing that I’ve learned from all this livin’; Is that it wouldn’t change a thing if I let go.

- The story's so nice I posted it twice... -

I'm still learning my way around---so if you see it twice don't read it twice!

- I need a vacation from my vacation... -

Wow, what a trip! We had a lot of fun and definitely added to the old memory file. It seems that every time we go to Michigan it's always so busy--every day we're running around, but it's always doing things we want to do (eating at long, lost restaurants or experiencing true Michigan shopping) and seeing those we want to see. We didn't get to see everyone we wanted to see (Brian & Mellissa, Jon & Michele, Donna, the JCSD or Foote people) but we did have fun when we went out.

I'll start with Christmas. We went to my dad's house to visit with his side of the family and all of my stepsisters and their families. There was a lot of catching up there and great food. We saw the Faccio family, Kopitsch family and Jennifer's family, as well as my little (no so little anymore) brother Bobby, who is well over 6 feet tall and towers over me! The kids all got to play together (I think this was the first time all of the little grandkids were there, minus Mandy & Melissa), so we also got a lot of great pictures. Hanging out with my dad is fun--it's almost like hanging out with a long, lost buddy from school--who is much older than you and has a striking resemblance! (ha ha!). Time flew by, then it was off to my sister Shawn's house for more Christmas festivities! We were able to see more relatives we haven't seen in a while. Not a lot has changed with my family--except everyone has grown up. It's funny how fast time flies. I remember when my neice Megan was born; Chris and I had just gotten together that year. I remember when my cousin Elysia was born in 1988. I was 12 years old and for the life of me couldn't remember what her name was every time my Aunt Tina told me it. I kept thinking it was Alyssa! And I remember when Heather told me she was pregnant with KJ! What a shock--that was the first pregnancy of our generation! And the first boy granchild! How funny! What's even funnier was 2 summers ago when we went to Michigan and Holly's boyfriend (at that time) was KJ's elementary school teacher! Amazing what a small world it is!

After Christmas things settled down a little and we met up with Holly at the Ground Round in Jackson. We were wonderfully surprised when Bush showed up with her! We went from there to the Hunt Club and had a couple of coctails with dinner. Mysteriously, we have some 'odd' light spots on our photos from that night. I think HC is haunted. We then went bowling. Bowling is always interesting when you can't bowl for shit. Usually the more I drink the better I bowl. It didn't quite work out this time. Maybe it's because I wasn't drunk. But, the funniest thing was the "Leave the snow outside" sign on the front door. Holly made our 5th Holly/Kelly CD as well as some various Buffett songs we chose. Love it. I miss back when!

On New Years Eve Melissa, Chris and I went to our friend Matt & Wendy's house in Jackson. Matt made the most wonderful steaks I've ever had. Big, juicy filets wrapped in portabella mushrooms and bacon, then grilled. Chris made garlic shrimp, Lauren made a yummy fruit salad and we also had rice and salad. YUM YUM! We left the dishes for the kids to clean up (yes, I do remember that much) and toured their beautiful 4 story home. They have done so much to it! When they come down in February they think it's for a vacation, but it's actually to finish remodeling our house! :-) We finished out the night playing cards (euchre and spoons), watching the ball drop, and drinking---some of us too much. I don't like to drink to the point I'm sick or even acting stupid drunk but for some reason that night I made a bad choice. Lots of drunken phone calls at 3:45am was fun though! Probably not for the people sleeping ;-) ! The next day I was praying (to both Gods) that I would live through that day. I honestly do not ever want to do that to my body again. (Not even at the Shephard poker nights, birthday parties or boat outings). The next day I stayed in bed until about 4pm.

On New Years Day after I started feeling remotely better (meaning, I could walk a straight line without getting motion sickness and throwing up) around 5pm so we went to Tony & Yolanda's house for dinner and suds. (No suds for me). We went to Bahama Breeze for dinner (yummy, but not as good as Matt's food!) and went back to play more spoons and finish the Rose Bowl game. YAY Michigan---way to loose! :-) (Go GREEN).

The rest of the week we finished up doing "family" stuff and packing. Then it was time for goodbye.


My name is Kelly and I'm a Victim Advocate. Basically I'm a cross between a social worker and a counselor, without all of the pay & college! In 3 months and 20 days as of this udate I'll be 30 and I'm holdin on with a tight grip!


I was a little hesitant when blogging was first introduced to me. I have learned to use and well and now I really like it, in a voyeuristic kind of way. I also use it as my own personal therapy. Though you probably won't understand nor agree with what I post quite often, don't take it personal and don't be offended. After all, it's a blog and that's the fun of it, right?


Parrothead Ramblings & Hazel Eyez


I guess it's time to blog again, huh?
Crazy Girls @ Starbucks
I know, I know
Age Guage
A day of triumph and sadness.
Today was interesting.
Melissa & Tyler


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