- Earthquake? - Sunday, September 10, 2006


I'm laying on the couch at 10:53 this morning when I hear my front windows rattling. If a very large truck drives by my windows will rattle. A year or so ago a neighbor fired off a round from a shotgun- my windows rattled then. Otherwise, my windows usually don't rattle.

I look out the window (this was a task, because I was not about to get my ass off the couch) to see what, if anything I could see, but there's nothing. Chris is standing at the table getting ready to go on his third segment of the church detail and I notice the plant leaves are shaking. Now all of this has occurred within a matter of 30 seconds, maybe. Then, I start to feel the couch shake. I looked at Chris and said "the couch is shaking, I hope we're not on a sinkhole". Tyler says "yeah, my couch is shaking too". Then it got worse...nothing too obvious, but enough that I knew there was a strong vibration in the couch, plant was moving, Chris noticed it. He said, "oh it's probably just an earthquake". "Yeah, ok- we don't have earthquakes in Florida", I lovingly replied.

So- it could have been a sinkhole, but I think it was an earthquake- plus, I'm not the only one who noticed this...not that I would ever admit Chris was right.


At 7:14 PM, Blogger VRA said...

That is crazy! How often do you get them?

At 10:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Buffett talked about your earthquake last night. I'll post about it.


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