- The stress level is rising - Thursday, September 29, 2005

Is it because of an important case that's coming up? NO...

Is it because of an important meeting coming up? NO...

Maybe because of a finance? NOPE...

It's because on Saturday, October 1st at 12:00pm Michigan State plays Michigan in East Lansing.

I won't be there.

I might watch it on TV if it's televised here. Probably not, though.

- You know it's going to be a bad day when... - Tuesday, September 27, 2005

1. You wake up 20 minutes late (every minute counts!), go to iron your clothes and plug in the mixer instead of the iron. But what's worse is you don't notice until you check back to see if the iron is hot enough and it's not even hot...because it's the mixer.

2. You drop your curling iron while curling your hair, narrowly missing your foot, breaking the shaft and handle into pieces after it hits the tile floor. (For the 3rd day in a row)

3. You see at your 5 year old's elementary school that they're having tacos for lunch. You start craving tacos. You come to work and see that the morning Buffett boards are dedicated to "Taco Tuesday". It must be a sign---Mexican food is in store for the day. You skip going to the gym to go to Los Whatever the name of the Mexican restaurant is and they're "closed for repairs". :(

To Be Continued...

- The Voice Within - Friday, September 23, 2005

My friend Crime Dog's future daughter in law sang this song during a karaoke contest. I LOVE the song and wish I could have heard her, because from what I understand she rocked the house. I'm posting the lyrics to this song for two reasons. 1. This is the perfect description of what Chris' promotion to Crimes Against Children Detective will hold for the future (sadly) and 2. This is the perfect example of the services we provide as Victim Advocates. I hope this song will reach you like it does me (and many, many child victims we work with on a daily basis). ~Kelly~

The Voice Within
By: Christina Aguilera

Young girl don’t cry
I’ll be right here when your world starts to fall
Young girl it’s alright
Your tears will dry, you’ll soon be free to fly
When you’re safe inside your room you tend to dream
Of a place where nothing’s harder than it seems
No one ever wants or bothers to explain
Of the heartache life can bring and what it means

When there’s no one else, look inside yourself
Like your oldest friend just trust the voice within
Then you’ll find the strength that will guide your way
You’ll learn to begin to trust the voice within
Young girl don’t hide
You’ll never change if you just run away
Young girl just hold tight
Soon you’re gonna see your brighter day

Now in a world where innocence is quickly claimed
It’s so hard to stand your ground when you’re so afraid
No one reaches out a hand for you to hold
When you look outside look inside to your soul


Life is a journey
It can take you anywhere you choose to go
As long as you’re learning
You’ll find all you’ll ever need to know
(be strong)
You’ll break it
(hold on)
You’ll make it
Just don’t forsake it because
No one can tell you what you can’t do
No one can stop you, you know that I’m talking to you


Young girl don’t cry
I’ll be right here when your world starts to fall

If you liked what you read, you can listen to it here.

- Conversation with the Red Cross -

Red Cross: Hello, how can we help you?

Me: Hi, this is Kelly from the ____ ____ Sheriff's Office. I'm calling in reference to a family who lost their home and all possesions as the result of a house fire. They have no insurance.

RC: Ok, tell me where it's at.

Me: It's at _____ _____ address.

RC: Ok, let me transfer you to our coordinator.

Me: Ok. On hold.

Me: (Thinking to myself) Geeze, did they put me on hold or on ignore?

RC: Hello, this is so & so, can I help you.

Me: Uhh, yes...I'm calling about the house fire (re-explain what I told the first lady)

RC: Ok, do they have a place to stay for the night?

Me: Yes, they have a place for the night but are unsure as far as after tomorrow.

RC: Ok, so what do you want us to do?

Me: (IN SHOCK) Umm, what do you mean? I am calling the Red Cross, right?

RC: Yes, but I have to call in some volunteers if they need help.

Me: (Getting adgitated) Ok, start calling, they're going to need some assistance.

RC: Can I talk to the victims?

Me: (handing the phone over) "Hello" he says. Hi, this is the RC, what can we help you with? "Well, I'm not really sure, I'm standing here watching my house burn...(it's literally still in flames), I guess with whatever help you provide. I'm still in shock.

RC: Ok Mr. so & so (they say the wrong last name) we'll try to find some help for you...

Well, the victim hands the phone back to me in complete confusion. Now, I'm pissed, to say the least. WTF is the Red Cross for, if they're not willing to help? I've dealt with the Red Cross many times when they respond within 24 hours with food, clothing, gift cards, etc...I mean, this family did not have insurance...they needed help! I understand that the Red Cross itself is pretty taxed right now, but they must remember their community roots and without this community, they may not have the volunteers and finances they have to help others.

- Spaghetti - Thursday, September 22, 2005

I was coming home from work when I got called to assist a family who fell victim to a stucture fire. I called Chris to tell him I was going to be late and I would call him as soon as I cleared. As soon as I was on my way home I called Melissa to tell her we knew the vic's of the fire and to go over the details (and my not-so-good experience with the Red Cross--but that's a different post). She was at my house picking up a dress she's letting the daughter of a DV victim wear for her homecoming, as they are poor. Anyway...she is telling me my husband is making spaghetti for dinner but needs me to pick up something he's missing. So--I'm thinking garlic, mushrooms, onion, something like that. What does he need me to get??? Sauce! Yep...sauce, that minor detail he forgot. Melissa and I thought that was pretty funny until he gets to his second request...angel hair pasta! Ok, so let me get this straight--he's missing sauce and spaghetti? So....how did he come up with the idea to make spaghetti, anyway? It was pretty funny and I'm sure it was much funnier if you actually witnessed the conversation.

- I saw what unfolded on TWC -

As I sit here listening to Bill O'Reilly and Phil Donahue argue over this stupid war I laugh to myself, that 1. I'm too lazy to get up and change the channel back to the weather channel and 2. How much of a waste of TV time this is. Bill keeps threatening to "boot" Phil "right off his set". The funny thing is Bill O'Reilly has lost his cool several times and started shouting and Phil Donahue sits there cool as a cucumber stating his points. These people actually get paid to do this! HA!

Anyway, Chris and I were watching The Weather Channel last night when Jim Cantore (:-D) was on reporting live from Galveston, TX. Of course I'm watching Jim, word for word. detail by detail, Chris says "Oh my gosh, did you see that"? I said "no, what was it?" Apparently, there was a small dog wandering around along the side of the highway he was reporting near. Then, the worst came along....dog gets hit by truck. Yep, on live TV the dog got splattered all over the road. But--here's the kicker--it wasn't actually "splattered". It was laying along the side of the road, not completely dead. The cameraman decided it would be who of him to pan in on Jim and the highway in the background, giving Jim time to move to his right, obstructing the view of the dying dog. Lovely, huh?!


- Saturday - Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Chris and I took the boys to my grandma's Saturday to see Uncle Bruce and of course to swim. The boys had fun, they're both swimming sans swimmies now, so they think they're pretty cool. They dive in and swim down to the bottom of the deep end to retrieve items, like dive masks, snorkels and other toys. Of course I encourage them to swim their little hearts out because maybe that will tire them out enough to sleep in the next morning! HA--yeah right.

We also played volleyball in the pool Saturday. I originally played on Chris' team but then determined that was an unfair advantage because he always wins. So after we won I let gram be on his team and Uncle Bruce and I played on a team. We were close to beating them when Chris decided to start "cheating" (well, not really, but that's what I call it) and hit the ball so it just barely goes over the net on the opposite side you're standing. Grr.

Saturday afternoon we started watching the MSU/ND game. Wow--wish I could've been there for that one! Michigan State didn't even look like the same team playing as they were last year. I was impressed but during the whole game, Chris kept saying "wait till the fourth quarter, they'll screw it up, they always do". I was actually getting rather annoyed with it, but deep down I kinda knew it was true, I was just hoping they would prove him wrong. They didn't. Between me, Chris, my grandma and Uncle Bruce, we were all on the edge of our seats, literally, through the whole fourth quarter! I'm sure it was quite a sight! Even my gram's neighbors, Skip & Joanne came over to say goodbye to my uncle but I guess they got the hint when we asked them if they could wait and come back in 8 minutes and 45 seconds (that's how much time was left in the game). Hee Hee. By the time the game had ended and they started overtime I had to leave. Some people turn to alcohol or drugs when dealing with stress...not me! I turn to Papa Clyde's homemade ice cream! YUM! A nice big bowl of Kahlua Fudge mixed with Mint Chocolate Chip was right up my alley. So--Uncle Bruce and I got ice cream and headed back just in time to see the game end---44-41 Michigan State. I'm glad I didn't see the final touchdown, I don't think my nerves could have handled it!

- Whatta Game! - Saturday, September 17, 2005

Michigan State-44

Notre Dame-41

- Do I really have NO life? - Thursday, September 15, 2005

My sister just emailed me....she said she just spent the last 20 minutes reading my blog and wondered "how the hell I have so much time" to blog. Which then made me think about my comment about possibly not having enough "time" for God. Just to clarify, I have re-started reading TPDL. It's interesting but I have to read each chapter twice, usually. Just for me. Just so you all know, I was being a tad dramatic when I posted that. I'm back on Earth.

So anyway, I then told her I think she should post her comments to my blogs on my blog, to start conversation, instead of emailing them to me. She said "No, (through laughter) then people will think I don't have a life".

Well folks, if I had an email address for her that wasn't a work email, I would post it so you can all bombard her with emails about how great blogging is and how she should post instead of email! But...being the nice, sweet, loving, adorable sister that I am...I won't do that...


- Laundry -

Yesterday I came home from one of our Sgt's birthday party when I happen to look down and see all of the laundry I had sorted was messed up. Messed up to the extent of whites being with darks, towels being with lights, etc... I was a little (ok, a lot) annoyed because I had to re-sort it then start washing. I went to the washer and the worst of the worst happened. There were wet towels in the washer that had to be rewashed because they had been there since morning, clothes in the dryer and clothes that (yes I did this) were sitting in the laundry basket waiting to be folded, which meant they were all wrinkled and would eventually need to be ironed.

So, I start my tedious process of folding, drying, folding, washing, folding then putting away. Now, this is a shortened up story of how the evening went, because I was none too amused about doing it, while Chris watched CSI. Now, don't get me wrong, Chris definitely does his share of "chores" around the house--I mean, the cooking alone is my dreaded task because I hate "creating" ideas for dinner. Yuck. So, with that I'm very thankful he cooks! But, I was just annoyed in general and it piled up. So...then as I go to get the boy's clothes around for school the next morning I notice that Tyler's shorts that he has clean are either "too nice" for school or fall off him. I bought a belt last week, but it's too small and I have yet to take it back, so that totally eliminates that pile of shorts. So, now I have to make sure he's got shorts clean, which I know he does, but they're in a pile on the dresser because I haven't taken care of them. I'm slowly getting more frustrated. I guess it's kind of an OCD type of thing, when I want it done, I want it done NOW. That is a whole other therapy issue...

Anyway, I was annoyed and Chris decided he would tell Mickey (who knows what brought this conversation up). Mickey is a fellow swat guy that you probably would never guess does his own laundry. He's a younger looking black man who's built like a brick sh!t house. He looks like the type that has his clothes "professionally laundered". He's just anal like that I guess--kinda like Scott is. I'm getting off track. So, Mickey ccomes in today and decides to give me (and Melissa) a little Laundry 101. (Like I've never done laundry before or something) As he's telling me exactly how to do it, he then proceeds to tell me how it should be hung.

Me: Why should I have to wash, dry, fold AND hang the clothes. Help would be nice.

Mickey: You can't do laundry half assed. If you start it you need to make sure you have time to finish it--don't let clothes sit in the laundry basket, washer, dryer or wherever. As soon as they get out of the dryer they must be hung.

Me: Looking at him like he has 3 heads.

Mickey: Kel, clothes need to be taken seriously. They must be hung right when they come out of the dryer. T-shirts have to be hung according to color. Collar shirts need to be hung according to color/pattern and long sleeve vs short sleeve. It's all in how organized you are.

Melissa: They have medications for that you know

Me: And I thought I had OCD?

Mickey: Then, pants need to be hung according to brands--Sean John with Sean John, Rocca with Rocca.

Me: Who invited you in here (referring to our office) anyway?

Mickey: Your husband.

Me: He's got a big mouth.

He then goes into this spiel about how you can't watch tv and be interrupted, hence no help. If I was watching Desperate Housewives he wouldn't expect me to fold clothes while I was watching it (which I do, by the way) and I shouldn't expect Chris to do something while he's watching TV.

I escorted him out of the office at that point.

- Hurricane Victim Relocated - Tuesday, September 13, 2005

I thought this picture was cute. This hurricane victim (Douglas) looks sooo happy, even sporting his Michigan State shirt! Love it! Here's his story.

Douglas arrived in Lansing on Friday night after spending four days at Fort Custer in Battle Creek. On Saturday, he went to the Michigan State University football game with donated tickets. On Sunday, he spent eight hours watching Babylon 5 on DVD. On Monday, he headed to a job--related appointment. He's already doing better than many. His family is scattered, but OK. He has an apartment in south Lansing. He has a job. Because he worked for Best Buy in New Orleans, the Best Buy in Delta Township hired him immediately. His first day is Wednesday.

- So we're sitting at lunch today... - Monday, September 12, 2005

(Don't you love stories that start out like that?!)

So me, Melissa, Samantha and Jody are sitting at lunch today when Samantha starts telling us how she went shopping for furniture, clothes, etc.. Sunday. She tells us as she walked into TJ Maxx the front doors were both open, exposing the entry to the store--it was a nice day Sunday. She goes inside, does her shopping and heads to the checkout area where she tells the associate how tired she is. As she is walking out of the store she proceeds to do a full walking sprint right into the glass windows (remember, thinking the doors were still open) and bounces off like a ragdoll! She hit it so hard that there was a perfect forehead, nose and lipstick impression on the glass. The associate runs over to see if she is ok and Samantha is doubled over laughing so hard she can't even answer. She said as if it wasn't bad enough, she actually had to squeeze through racks of clothes to get to the window that she thought was the exit! Funny stuff--I'm sure it would have been much funnier to see!

Ok, so anyway, as we're all hysterically laughing at her story at lunch a man sits by himself behind us listening. Jody and I are already annoyed with him because he very loudly announced that his tea tasted like dirty feet (of all things). Jody and I bursted out laughing, trying to conceal it from this crazy guy in the booth behind us! Well, after Samantha tells her story he says "hey ladies, I don't mean to be eavesdropping (yeah, right) but I have a funny story too about a kid who ran away from home and went to the bank to get all of his money out of his account. Well, his dad caught wind of it so he went up there and once the kid saw his dad through the clear glass windows of the bank he turned around and took off running and ended up running right through the windows of the bank". We seriously turned around and had blank looks on our face, like, was that supposed to be funny? He laughed and I guess we made him feel good by listening, but geeze, was it really worth telling us the story? Probalby not, but whatever.

Anyway, that's my story for the day.

- Sad - Sunday, September 11, 2005

Yesterday was a happy day. Chris came home from his deployment, house was clean, dinner at Melissa's was good, took Samantha to Applebee's for a "girls night out" kind of thing since Jason's gone and even managed to score some free Bud-Light apparel. It was a good day.

Today is sad. First, it's the anniversary of 9/11. I logged onto the computer and when I looked at the time it was 9:11 am. I think I'm going to go to a church service tonight in memory of 9/11. I hear it's going to be nice--I think it's at the BH Baptist Church, but I'm not sure. Guess that would be helpful to know exactly where it's at. Sheriff is speaking at it.

Today is also really sad. I'm leaving at 11:30 to go with Kelly to take Scott to the airport. I think it's going to be very emotionallychallenging, because for 1. Nobody likes saying goodbye, but especially not for 1 year in Iraq and 2. Nobody likes seeing their friends upset and to be completely helpless for them. Sure, this is "my job", consoling upset people, making them feel better...but it's different when it's someone you know and love.

Keep praying.

- - Friday, September 09, 2005

I'm in a music mood right now and just heard this song on channel 419, Music Choice.

And I'll be happy for you
If you can be happy for me
Circles and triangles, and now we're hangin' out with your new girlfriend
So far from where we've been
I know we're cool

I absolutely LOVE that song!

Ps...I posted this after my 1976/1994 posts, but for whatever reason the blogger land people posted it between the two. Whatever.

- Top 100 Songs of 1976 -

** Weird, I posted 1994 first, then 1976 and it showed up in reverse order, the way I really wanted it, but was too lazy to fix it! Interesting...

1. Silly Love Songs, Paul McCartney and Wings
2. Don't Go Breaking My Heart, Elton John and Kiki Dee
3. Disco Lady, Johnnie Taylor
4. December, 1963 (Oh, What A Night), Four Seasons
5. Play That Funky Music, Wild Cherry
6. Kiss And Say Goodbye, Manhattans
7. Love Machine (Part 1), The Miracles
8. 50 Ways To Leave Your Lover, Paul Simon
9. Love Is Alive, Gary Wright
10. A Fifth Of Beethoven, Walter Murphy and The Big Apple Band
11. Sara Smile, Daryl Hall and John Oates
12. Afternoon Delight, Starland Vocal Band
13. I Write The Songs, Barry Manilow
14. Fly, Robin, Fly, Silver Convention
15. Love Hangover, Diana Ross
16. Get Close, Seals and Crofts
17. More, More, More, Andrea True Connection
18. Bohemian Rhapsody, Queen
19. Misty Blue, Dorothy Moore
20. Boogie Fever, Sylvers
21. I'd Really Love To See You Tonight, England Dan and John Ford Coley
22. You Sexy Thing, Hot Chocolate
23. Love Hurts, Nazareth
24. Get Up And Boogie, Silver Convention
25. Take It To The Limit, Eagles
26. (Shake, Shake, Shake) Shake Your Booty, K.C. and The Sunshine Band
27. Sweet Love, Commodores
28. Right Back Where We Started From, Maxine Nightingale
29. Theme From "S.W.A.T", Rhythm Heritage
30. Love Rollercoaster, Ohio Players
31. You Should Be Dancing, Bee Gees
32. You'll Never Find Antoher Love Like Mine, Lou Rawls
33. Golden Years, David Bowie
34. Moonlight Feels Right, Starbuck
35. Only Sixteen, Dr. Hook
36. Let Your Love Flow, Bellamy Brothers
37. Dreamweaver, Gary Wright
38. Turn The Beat Around, Vicki Sue Robinson
39. Lonely Night (Angel Face), The Captain and Tennille
40. All By Myself, Eric Carmen
41. Love To Love You Baby, Donna Summer
42. Deep Purple, Donny and Marie Osmond
43. Theme From "Mahogany", Diana Ross
44. Sweet Thing, Rufus
45. That's The Way I Like It, K.C. and The Sunshine Band
46. A Little Bit More, Dr. Hook
47. Shannon, Henry Gross
48. If You Leave Me Now, Chicago
49. Lowdown, Boz Scaggs
50. Show Me The Way, Peter Frampton
51. Dream On, Aerosmith
52. I Love Music (Pt. 1), O'Jays
53. Say You Love Me, Fleetwood Mac
54. Times Of Your Life, Paul Anka
55. Devil Woman, Cliff Richard
56. Fooled Around And Fell In Love, Elvin Bishop
57. Convoy, C.W. McCall
58. Welcome Back, John Sebastian
59. Sing A Song, Earth, Wind and Fire
60. Heaven Must Be Missing An Angel, Tavares
61. I'll Be Good To You, Brothers Johnson
63. Shop Around, The Captain and Tennille
64. Saturday Night, Bay City Rollers
65. Island Girl, Elton John
66. Let's Do It Again, Staple Singers
67. Let 'Em In, Paul McCartney and Wings
68. Baby Face, Wing and A Prayer Fife and Drum Corps
69. This Masquerade, George Benson
70. Evil Woman, Electric Light Orchestra
71. Wham Bam, Silver
72. I'm Easy, Keith Carradine
73. Wake Up Everybody (Pt. 1), Harold Melvin and The Bluenotes
74. Summer, War
75. Let Her In, John Travolta
76. Fox On The Run, Sweet
77. Rhiannon, Fleetwood Mac
78. Got To Get You Into My Life, Beatles
79. Fanny (Be Tender With My Love), Bee Gees
80. Getaway, Earth, Wind and Fire
81. She's Gone, Daryl Hall and John Oates
82. Rock And Roll Music, Beach Boys
82. Still The One, Orleans
83. You're My Best Friend, Queen
84. With Your Love, Jefferson Starship
85. Slow Ride, Foghat
86. Who'd She Coo, Ohio Players
88. Walk Away From Love, David Ruffin
89. Baby, I Love Your Way, Peter Frampton
90. Young Hearts Sun Free, Candi Staton
91. Breaking Up's Hard To Do, Neil Sedaka
92. Money Honey, Bay City Rollers
93. Tear The Roof Off The Sucker, Parliament
94. Junk Food Junkie, Larry Groce
95. Tryin' To Get The Feeling Again, Barry Manilow
96. Rock And Roll All Nite, Kiss
97. Disco Duck, Rick Dees
97. The Boys Are Back In Town, Thin Lizzy
98. Take The Money And Run, Steve Miller Band
99. Squeeze Box, The Who
100. Country Boy (You Got Your Feet In L.A.), Glen Campbell

- Top 100 Songs of 1994 -

Anyone notice the revelance?

1. The Sign, Ace Of Base
2. I Swear, All-4-One
3. I'll Make Love To You, Boyz II Men
4. The Power Of Love, Celine Dion
5. Hero, Mariah Carey
6. Stay (I Missed You), Lisa Loeb and Nine Stories
7. Breathe Again, Toni Braxton
8. All For Love, Bryan Adams, Rod Stewart and Sting
9. All That She Wants, Ace Of Base
10. Don't Turn Around, Ace Of Base
11. Bump N' Grind, R. Kelly
12. Again, Janet Jackson
13. I'll Remember, Madonna
14. Whatta Man, Salt-N-Pepa
15. Wild Night, John Mellencamp and Me'shell Ndegeocello
16. Without You / Never Forget You, Mariah Carey
17. You Mean The World To Me, Toni Braxton
18. Can You Feel The Love Tonight, Elton John
19. The Most Beautiful Girl In The World, Prince Symbol
20. Fantastic Voyage, Coolio
21. Baby I Love Your Way, Big Mountain
22. Regulate, Warren G and Nate Dogg
23. If You Go, Jon Secada
24. Back and Forth, Aaliyah
25. Now And Forever, Richard Marx
26. When Can I See You, Babyface
27. Please Forgive Me, Bryan Adams
28. So Much In Love, All-4-One
29. Shoop, Salt-N-Pepa
30. Any Time, Any Place / And On And On, Janet Jackson
31. Shine, Collective Soul
32. Said I Loved You...But I Lied, Michael Bolton
33. Return To Innocence, Enigma
34. All I Wanna Do, Sheryl Crow
35. Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm, Crash Test Dummies
36. Can We Talk, Tevin Campbell
37. Funkdafied, Da Brat
38. I'd Do Anything For Love (But I Won't Do That), Meat Loaf
39. Gangsta Lean, Drs
40. Because The Night, 10,000 Maniacs
41. Cantaloop, US3
42. Whoomp! (There It Is), Tag Team
43. Come To My Window, Melissa Etheridge
44. Stroke You Up, Changing Faces Not sure I remember this one
45. I'm Ready, Tevin Campbell
46. 100% Pure Love, Crystal Waters
47. Anytime You Need A Friend, Mariah Carey
48. Because Of Love, Janet Jackson
49. Linger, Cranberries
50. Loser, Beck
51. Found Out About You, Gin Blossoms
52. Gin And Juice, Snoop Doggy Dogg
53. Never Lie, Immature
54. Streets Of Philadelphia, Bruce Springsteen
55. Getto Jam, Domino
56. Endless Love, Luther Vandross and Mariah Carey
57. I Miss You w/ Aaron Hall 58, Understanding, Xscape
59. This D.J., Warren G
60. Cry For You, Jodeci
61. Keep Ya Head Up, 2Pac
62. Who Am I (What's My Name?), Snoop Doggy Dogg
63. Another Night, Real McCoy
64. Your Body's Callin', R. Kelly
65. Tootsee Roll, 69 Boyz
66. I Can See Clearly Now, Jimmy Cliff
67. Never Keeping Secrets, Babyface Or this one
68. Crazy, Aerosmith
70. At Your Best (You Are Love), Aaliyah
71. Rock And Roll Dreams Come Through, Meat Loaf ???
72 Amazing, Aerosmith
73. Always, Erasure
74. Groove Thang, Zhane
75. Dreams, Gabrielle
76. Mr. Vain, Culture Beat
77. Mary Jane's Last Dance, Tom Petty and The Heartbreakers
78. Anything, SWV
79. Beautiful In My Eyes, Joshua Kadison
80. Stay, Eternal
81. Flava In Ya Ear, Craig Mack WTF? Who's Craig Mack?
82. U.N.I.T.Y., Queen Latifah
83. Prayer For The Dying, Seal
84. Secret, Madonna
85. Here Comes The Hotstepper, Ini Kamoze
86. Everyday, Phil Collins
87. Don't Take The Girl, Tim McGraw
88. Got Me Waiting, Heavy D and The Boyz
89. December 1963 (Oh, What A Night), Four Seasons
90. Indian Outlaw, Tim McGraw
91. Always, Bon Jovi
92. I'm The Only One, Melissa Etheridge
93. Back In The Day, Ahmad Please memory, help me out!
94. Love Sneakin' Up On You, Bonnie Raitt
95. I'll Take You There, General Public
96. Always In My Heart, Tevin Campbell
97. What Is Love, Haddaway
98. And Our Feelings, Babyface
99. Bop Gun (One Nation), Ice Cube Whoa, I'm feeling old!
100. I Wanna Be Down, Brandy

- Me again... -

Wow, 2 posts in one night and managed to get the floors cleaned (yep, hands & knees and all) all between this post and the last post. Must be a miracle. No, not really--kids are sleeping. Much stuff gets acomplished when the chitlin's are sleeping. Anyway, the point of this post is to rave about my friend Crime Dog's blog again. Funny, funny post. I swear, if I was as smart as him I'd have funny posts too---guess it's all in the age, or something like that! ;-)

- zzzz -

I'm really tired right now but I've got so much to do. So much in fact, that I really should be doing it rather than typing on this computer and playing euchre!

Chris comes home tomorrow so I've decided to clean the house--HA! I don't mind cleaning, but under my terms (one of those control things). If noboby was home and I could just turn the music up loud, walk around in cut off sweatpant shorts and a tank top with my hair up and not have a care in the world, my house would probably look awesome-all the time. But...that's not real life. SO, while the boys were outside playing I cleaned the bathroom. Everything but the floor, I'll do that all at one time. Sink, counter, toilet, mirrors, tub, shower, ok you get the idea. Then, caught up on 90% of the laundry. Then, cooked dinner. Then, cleaned up after dinner. Now, it's 8:07pm, Tyler is watching Scooby Doo, Austin is coloring and I'm slacking.

I still have to sweep the floors then mop (oh, and I REFUSE to mop with a mop, I think it just pushes the dirt around, so I mop on my hands and knees with a pail of soapy water--thanks Mom!), then make sure the rugs are dry, then make sure my sheets are dry so I can make my bed, then MAYBE go to bed. HMMM any guesses at what time I will ACTUALLY be in bed? I say 11pm, just like last night. We'll see.

- Business Opportunity - Thursday, September 08, 2005

After some "slightly" careful consideration, I've decided I'd like to open up a hard dipped ice cream shop in historic downtown Inverness. You see, there's the shop in Spring Hill called Papa Clyde's that makes their own ice cream. They basically put Baskin Robbins to shame with over 50 flavors! ALL home (store) made! Yum, it's sooo good. Kahlua Fudge is my absolute favorite--which is weird, because I don't like chocolate ice cream, per se, nor do I like Kahlua! ANYWAY...I'd like it to be a country-modern shop and I'd even go as far as purchasing a franchise, such as my absolute favorite, Marble Slab Creamery. If you've never been at a Marble Slab (or even ((shudder)) Coldstone Creamery) you've missed out! First you pick your flavor of ice cream. There are several different flavors to choose from. Then, you pick your "mixin's"--your toppings, or items you want mixed in. There's fresh fruits, candies, cookies, nuts, cookie dough, etc... Just about name it and they have it! Then the best part, they scoop out your ice cream, slap it on the frozen marble slab, mix your choice of "mixin's" in and scoop it up in your choice of waffle cone or bowl. They have MANY different flavors of waffle cone, like vanilla, brown sugar, chocolate, white chocolate and whole wheat are just some examples. I think Marble Slab might be a little too touristy for downtown Inverness, but would be perfect for the business clientel like myself who happen to be able to walk downtown for lunch. Plus there's shopping, like a homemade wood furniture store, exotic gifts store, Boyd's Bears/Yankee Candle store (another favorite), barber, attorney and a couple of restaurants. Love the idea--actually I think I will copyright this post in case anyone steals my idea!! (just kidding--i think)

Now, what's holding me back, you ask? C'mon, I know you were going to ask! Well, for 1--$$. The initial investment whether I went with franchise vs private would be anywhere from $100,000 to 200,000. Pretty steep for an ice cream shop! 2--I would want to work there ALL THE TIME! If I had to I might hire one or 2 high school students to help out, but I would want to do it all--I'm a control freak like that. But here's the kicker, I don't want to leave my full time position to do that, and I don't see myself getting cloned anytime soon, that might get too confusing, so I'll stick with my "real" day job for now. But I still like the idea. Maybe if and when (which I doubt) I get burnt out I will! Nice to have a backup plan.

FLICKER, lightbulb just went on...I could ship Chris over to Iraq for a year to finance this project! Hmmm, that's a thought. Probably not though---my mental state can barely take him being gone for 2 weeks let alone 52!

Oh--and don't ask me to start a Dairy Queen. YUCK. I hate soft serve ice cream.

- -

Whew, with a little techie help from DP, got the printer to stop printing jibberish--it only took 347 pages of paper.

just kidding

- Hurricane Katrina Rant -

Check out my (ph) friend Crime Dog's latest post--in my opinion he hit the nail on the head.

- Mental Note... -

Never hit horse with patrol car!

- -

I'm about to throw my printer out on Hwy 19 and run over it twice. Then back over it.


- Visit from a friend - Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Sunday afternoon a friend of mine & Chris' came to the house. Long story short, she is from Michigan, married, moved to Citrus County, continued her nursing career until she was injured, put up with years of abuse (mental) from her now former spouse, lost everything due to a divorce and bankruptcy, built herself back up again, rented a house about a block from me, eventually built her own through Habitat and is now on the right path. She has two grown daughters, one is my age, married to a deputy and the other is attending school in California. Anyway, she always told me how "cute" I look in turtleneck sweaters. I don't really need them here in Florida, with the exception for maybe a month, but I still like to wear them. She shops for elderly people she has befriended in thrift stores. When they have their bag sales she alwayst thinks of me and gets me a turtleneck sweater, but only if it's nice and a brand name (she's so funny). Well, she stopped by Sunday to deliver my sweaters and return a tupperware like container I gave her (filled with food) the last time she stopped by. Out of nowhere she asked me if God was in my life. Then she apologized. I asked her why she was apologizing, she said because she didn't want to offend me. I continued, a little shocked by the "offend" comment, with the fact that Tyler starts CCD next Sunday and how excited he is, blah blah. She said--"oh, you're Catholic"? I replied with "yes, why?". She asked me if I was raised Catholic and I told her no, I was raised basically Presbyterian, but only on holidays, weddings and funerals! She laughed and said how great it was that I converted to Catholicism and how she was raised Catholic. But--it must have hit her that I said I was Presbyterian. She gave me a HUGE hug and started crying. Crying out of happiness! I was thoroughly confused by now. She told me that it must be a sign from God. She went on to tell me how she was raised Catholic but never really "got it". She never really understood why she was at church, (keep in mind this was many years ago), she could never understand why services were partially Latin, she never understood any of it. She said she felt lost when she walked into church. She said, "Kelly, it was like a big puzzle to me. I had the outside border figured out, but I needed that essential piece of the puzzle to complete it--every piece I tried (forced) wouldn't fit...I tried and tried but kept getting the wrong puzzle piece". As she's saying this, I'm thinking of my friend Holly--because a lot of what she's saying is exactly what Holly has said (sometimes in not so many words) through the past couple of years. She told me about her friend Donna, who is also a good friend of Chris' who inspired her to read the bible. "Are you kidding?", she replied. My church told me NOT to read the bible, I wouldn't understand it anyway. Her friend Donna said, well then get yourself a Daily Devotional Bible, where each day of the year you read passages that are translated. Then, attempt to read the bible again. She did and said it was the most wonderful feeling, but she was still missing that piece of the puzzle. She said she admired Donna so much, here's this woman who has lost a lot in her life, including a husband, and still manages to get up and read the bible every morning faithfully. She said Donna doesn't always attend church, but she can thoroughly explain God's way. She said anytime she had "God" questions she ran to Donna. One night about a year ago she said she was up crying all night. Hysterically crying but for no reason. She said she was missing something, but couldn't place it and felt more lonely than she's ever been. That next day she woke up and felt the need to try church again. She went to 7 Rivers Presbyterian Church and said it felt like (and I don't know exactly what she said, so I'm going to type what I think it was and hope you understand) Jesus did when he cried tears of blood, and thinks that is what was happening to her. She said she has found a home with this church. The pastor started new with the church (from the ground up) ten years ago. He tells the congregation during every sermon how he has grown and keeps growing and learning every time he talks to people. My friend, Linda, felt the same way. She thinks that she was sent to this church for a reason and absolutely love it--so I guess when I told her I was Presbyterian she felt compelled. Compelled to go to her car and bring me a book--The Purpose Drive Life by Rick Warren. She invited me, through tears, to come to her "bible study" Wednesday night. She said she would introduce me to her family--not her "blood family" but her Church family, with whom she feels comes first in her life. She apologized to me again, and told me she didn't want to try to "take something away from me" but felt that God has sent her as a disciple to bring people closer to Him, and that's what she's on earth for is for God, so that's exactly what she does. She even said looking back, how she looked up to Donna so much, spiritually, but now wishes she could bring Donna up to her level; she feels she found the missing piece and now that she's found it everything else just falls into place. It was really kinda neat to see how God was working in her life. I told her I would go Wednesday night and I'm a little excited. Her "bible study" isn't actually studying the bible, instead they're going through The Purpose Driven Life. That's what the sermon is based around. In all honesty, I am not dreading it, but I'm hesitant. I really like my church, I LOVE the priest, he's the funniest, most down to earth guy I've seen in a Catholic church and doesn't hold back. My hesitancy is because I'm so busy. Too busy for God? Well, not really--but sorda. It starts at 6:30 and goes until 8, which means I'm going to have to get out of work (at 5) go get the boys, get them dinner and help Tyler with his Wednesday night homework (yes, they have designated days for homework in kg), make sure they're cleaned up (they're always all full of sand after school), take them to the daycare in the church (they'll probably get kicked out during the first visit! ha!), then focus on my study--all the while thinking about Chris going out on patrol for another day, facing looters, haters, etc... then manage to get them home, bathed and in bed by 8:30, their bed time. (If it goes much longer than 8:30 I'm in trouble the next morning, with 2 grouch boys!) So, I'm going to go, but it already stresses me out because I'm so busy being a "single mom" this week. :-(

- - Saturday, September 03, 2005

Sheriff's deputies leave for Mississippi
By Cristy Loftis

It's a mission of humanity.Friday morning, 10 Citrus County Sheriff's Deputies left Citrus County for Gulfport, Miss. — an area devastated by Hurricane Katrina with people in desperate need of help. The 10 Sheriff's Mutual Aid Response Team deputies were called to help pass out food, water and supplies and assist with security in the area.Conditions ‘deplorable'Citrus County Sheriff's Capt. Joe Eckstein, who heads up the county's Emergency Operations Center, said the deputies are expected to see deplorable conditions, worse than what they saw after aiding southern counties after past hurricanes."This is an Andrew times 10," Eckstein said.He said the destruction from Andrew was contained in a small area of Florida, and floodwaters were able to drain into the land, whereas in Mississippi, Louisiana and Alabama, the landscape is trapping the water above ground. "I think once they get up there they're going to see more dead bodies than they've seen in their entire careers," Eckstein said.The local group was expected to arrive by Friday evening with their four squad cars, trailored command center and mobile kitchen.Eckstein believes they'll be there for seven to 21 days, but it's kind of up in the air right now.He said the deputies will fill up their gas tanks before leaving Florida's borders and then the military and other emergency aid teams are expected to help them stay fueled.As for their safety, Eckstein said they've received reports that residents in Gulfport are looting and walking through town armed with weapons."Everybody pray that these guys stay safe," Eckstein said.As Sgt. Bill Kelley made final preparations before joining his nine other comrades Friday morning, he regarded his service to the hurricane victims with humility."They're asking for some help," Kelley said.

- Chris Heads West - Friday, September 02, 2005

Is it west? Yeah, I guess it is---north west for us. Anyway...Chris deployed this morning as well as the rest of our mutual aid team, heading to Mississippi. We're all well aware of the dangers, please keep them in your prayers.

- Frustration - Thursday, September 01, 2005

Monday morning when I was looking at the devastation in LA and MS I told Chris, I bet you guys will end up getting called out. He said, "no way, they have the National Guard for that". Tuesday afternoon our Sheriff's Mutual Aid Response Team (which he's a member of) got placed on stand-by. I was frustrated, because it's hard having a 4 year old and a 5 1/2 year old, getting them to school, home, dinner, baths, etc...by yourself. Then I realized I was being a little selfish, those people over there need help from wherever they could get it from. So, my frustration turned to a little bit of sadness but mostly I was proud. When Kelly J called and put the team on standby they all let out a "woo-hoo". I joked that it was probably because they get a break from their wives/girlfriends/kids/etc... Not so much.

When they were put on stand-by Tuesday they were told at about 3:00pm that they were leaving that night. So I left work, got home, helped Chris pack for 21 days, made of list of necessities, like bug spray with DEET, bottled water, batteries, etc. Tuesday night they were told they would most likely leave with Pinellas County Wednesday morning. Yesterday at noon still no call. Then we found out Pinellas County had already left. Now, the team is getting frustrated, because they go from a big adrenaline high, cancel and rearrange plans, say goodbye to families and find out they're not leaving just yet. But what's the hold up? We all know how bad they need us...why haven't we left, it's a good 8 hour drive to MS! Wednesday night, still nothing. It did give the team time to get Tetnus and Hep A shots. That's a good thing. Chris was also able to obtain some suture kits and meds from the hospital. Hurry up and wait.

Last night while talking to a friend she told me during a conference call with one of the EOC's from MS or LA, they were saying to make sure we send people who are not only physically strong, but mentally strong. The state makeshift EOC is next to a morgue. There is no power which is causing a horrendous smell. That as well as the floating sewage and bodies. Rescuers are being sent to help the rescuers. It's a never ending battle. The news stations are going to stop filming live shots of the water due to the bodies floating. Sad.

Hurry up and wait some more. Today, we are informed that they may possibly not need us right away, but to continue to be on standy. Now, this is basically going on the 3rd day of standby. We know how desperate they are. Looting, shooting at the rescuers, fires, and yet they can't even help the people who need to be evacuated/rescued because of all of the chaos! Well, apparently we need a "mission number" from FEMA. This mission number enables us to get reimbursed from the Federal Government, because as we know, these guys are going to be working 21 days straight for about 16-18 hours per day, or as long as there's daylight. Our agency cannot afford that much overtime, plain and simple. So, how did the other counties get their mission number? Well, here's the catch. The other counties that are responding are LARGE. We're not so large. Their budget can afford to send people before their mission number is sent and wait until later for payment. We can't.

Here we have 10 guys, all ranging in rank, background, specialty, on and on, who have gone through a huge adrenaline dump. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining, but it's hard and I feel bad for them too. They get pumped up to go, they hear the reports of looting which fires them up (after all, they are cops), they start to hear from reputable sources that they need to mentally prepare for what they're going to see, hear, feel, smell--and then the downhill--they hurry up and wait.

So now we know it's not going to be a break for them. In fact, most of them will probably be very glad once they get home (if they ever leave). I'm proud of our guys that they can get up at a moment's notice, be ready for 3rd world living conditions, then come back without any kind of recognition and treat it like "another day's work".


My name is Kelly and I'm a Victim Advocate. Basically I'm a cross between a social worker and a counselor, without all of the pay & college! In 3 months and 20 days as of this udate I'll be 30 and I'm holdin on with a tight grip!


I was a little hesitant when blogging was first introduced to me. I have learned to use and well and now I really like it, in a voyeuristic kind of way. I also use it as my own personal therapy. Though you probably won't understand nor agree with what I post quite often, don't take it personal and don't be offended. After all, it's a blog and that's the fun of it, right?


Parrothead Ramblings & Hazel Eyez


I guess it's time to blog again, huh?
Crazy Girls @ Starbucks
I know, I know
Age Guage
A day of triumph and sadness.
Today was interesting.
Melissa & Tyler


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