- Conversation with my Grandma Sibley... - Thursday, January 06, 2005

I will probably be the only one who thinks this is funny...

Me: Hi grandma, it's Kelly!
Grandma: Hi honey, how are you?
Me: Great. I'm working right now. How about you?
Grandma: Oh, I'm not doing so well.
Me: Oh no. Why not?
Grandma: Oh, it's Arthur. He won't leave me alone!
Me: (Wonder who the heck she's talking about and if she's really losing her mind) Uh-oh, that's not good! Who's Arthur?
Grandma: You know, Arthritis.
Me: Laughing--oh ok!
Grandma: I'd like to take him out to Duck Lake and drown him. He and Al.
Me: Hmm, who's Al?
Grandma: You know, Alzheimers.

It's nice to have friends when you live in a care home.


At 11:43 AM, Blogger VRA said...

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At 6:11 AM, Blogger Holly said...

That's flippin hilarious! At first I pictured Gram saying it and then I saw it was Grandma Sibley. Still...I laughed out loud.


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My name is Kelly and I'm a Victim Advocate. Basically I'm a cross between a social worker and a counselor, without all of the pay & college! In 3 months and 20 days as of this udate I'll be 30 and I'm holdin on with a tight grip!


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