- Karma -
Friday, July 15, 2005
When I was in 11th grade a guy I went to school with, Tim Taber, wore a t-shirt that advertised for Nike, but had something about karma on it. I asked him one day what karma was and he told me it was negative energy. I didn't really get it, but always thought about it when he wore that shirt.
The other day I was listening to a morning show on the radio and they were talking about karma, which led them to have people call in tell them the worst thing they ever did, as in crime. It would be anonymous. I listened and laughed at some of the people I heard. One girl called and said she just ran a toll on the 417 in Orlando. They teased her because that is the WORST crime she's ever committed.
Later that day I stopped by Blockbuster to rent a movie. There wasn't anything specific I was looking for, other than a movie we could all sit down and watch. So, I grabbed Hitch. Melissa told me she's seen it and it was good. So I thought about it, and because I am O/C I decided I didn't want a movie that one of us has already seen. So, I grabbed Ms. Congeniality 2. But, instead of putting Hitch back where it belongs I decided to commit a video store "crime" and replace it under the Ms. Congeniality 2 cover. I walk up to the counter and wait in the long line. And wait. And wait. Finally, I think to myself, I'm next. I look at the movies I've picked out once again and to my disappointment, see that I didn't grab Ms. Congeniality 2, instead it was A Nightmare On Elm Street. Some jackass had done the same thing I did...
So, as I walk back to get the RIGHT movie, I start thinking about karma and it was at that time I consciously noticed that bad karma had officially affected me!
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